Headshot of Jared Hettinger

Jared Hettinger

Software Engineer

Hi there, I'm a software engineer in Texas. I'm a versatile developer with experience working on front-end, back-end, and mobile projects.

Personal Projects

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A bilingual website for practicing English-Spanish vocabulary

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A website where you can call cats and make friends

Alt text, update this

Text your friend Ishmael, and learn a WCAG feature in the meantime

Professional Projects

For a deeper look at my professional experience you can download my résumé

Languages & Technologies


An orange block letter combination of UD, the negative space between the U and D forms a silhouette of a dog looking rightward.
I am a mentor at Underdog Devs where I teach mentees the foundational skills of logic, data structures, and version control. For advanced mentees, I teach best practices for web technologies and help practice for technical interviews.

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